In the great blog tradition of wordless Wednesdays and Mcfatty Mondays I am starting a few blog series on here to highlight my interests:
word love - weekly window into an important piece of my heart. I love words: book excerpts, song lyrics, poetry, quotes, etc. This will really help me to reconnect with oldies but goodies, and expand my literary horizons. I can't wait! I plan to publish word love on Wednesdays but the first installation is coming out Saturday in honor of another word lover, my sister & friend, Renz.
sweet sundays - weekly inspiration, life lessons to encourage me & you throughout the week. Aim? To put a smile on your faces (& mine).
girly fridays - make-up, hair, shoes, clothes, relationships, the female body, all things girly.
I hope you check in on the series. I know I'm excited! & as always, I welcome suggestions. Email me :)
lol sounds good hon, can't wait!