This Memorial Day holiday we traveled into 4 different states, drove for over 13 hours, and had FUN. To kick off the weekend, there was Ren's graduation from law school in Washington, D.C. (state #1) on Friday morning. I couldn't be more proud of her. She's done really admirable things with her time at law school - really expanded her horizons and developed as a person. I have barely managed to keep up, experiencing different countries and cultures through her eyes has been fantastic. We had nyammings in Virginia (state #2)...great food, hilarious convo, and nice chill time.
"I hope your dreams take the corners of your smile, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known."
Saturday we hung out with Ren's fam by the pool & had a ball. Tons of fun times...Ren & I slept and others had a ball in the water (this would be in MD, state #3). Then we were back in the tri-state area where I celebrated my friend's mom's 50th birthday on a Spirit of NJ dinner cruise. I had always wanted to go on one of these. It was nice but I realize my constitution doesn't love being on a boat on open water. I don't know about any future cruise plans I may make...anyhoo, I did get to view some NY landmarks. After living on this side of the US for a decade I still haven't experienced any of these. I guess I'm only a good tourist when I'm traveling (does NJ count? I think not, but NY can be state #4).
Ellis Island
Brooklyn Bridge
Then, as with all summer weekends, it ended off with soccer and a visit to see family (and be fed). The actual holiday (Memorial Day) was spent in bed watching movies/TV and catching up on sleep. Had a mango ice cream cone, snuggled in bed, unpacked a bit...quite the mellow holiday.
The end of May marks the end of my May weight challenge. Do I have to state after all the eating this weekend that I lost nothing? At least I didn't gain...anyhoo, the May challenge has become the summer challenge.