Jan 25, 2010

great weekends

Don't you just hate when you've worked all week on school stuff, work stuff, life stuff, everything and are looking forward to the weekend and it's a bust?! You get into a fuss with your spouse or a friend, or you spend time doing something you'd rather not, or you're sick. Nothing gets to me more. Well, I didn't have one of those *smile*

I feel that a great weekend is the reward for a long, sometimes trying but most times tiring week. This weekend I had great family time, lovely worship, time with friends I hadn't seen in toooooo long, a couple good hair days where my ousted bang made a comeback (lol!) AND a lovely Sunday nap. I am not a daytime sleeper but when I do manage to fall asleep during the daytime, it is always a reward. I must say I did get a parking ticket and I had a run in with a deviant stocking that I bought on Friday and still cannot locate, but the net result was still a fantastic weekend.

Today I'm feeling productive and fresh despite the fact that I'm damp from the rain and was mauled by the 40-plus m.p.h. winds we're having in NYC. I hope and pray my car is not crushed and the lights stay on. The sound the wind is making is scary!

Hope you had a great weekend too! Feel free to share...
"There aren't enough days in the weekend"
Rod Schmidt


  1. Your weekend sounds delighful, dear. You needed that. LOL. Here's to hoping that it's a short wait until the next weekend comes along.

  2. It really was great (I'm repressing all memory of parking tickets and lost stockings). Friday needs to come with quickness!

  3. Like I said in my blog, some things are better forgotten. :) So glad you had a great weekend. Seems things are looking up. Now hurry up Friday, we miss you!
